Thursday, October 19, 2006

Junior High Update

"Parent's Night Out" is coming to Maple Leaf!! Parents of young children at Maple Leaf can enjoy a night out while their children enjoy a night of fun while being watched, played with, and fed by our middle and high school youth. Two adults will also be on site. This is scheduled for Friday evening, Nov. 10, from 5 - 9 PM. (Later pickups might be available by special request)
Cost is $10 per child, with money raised to be used for youth activities and to lower costs for retreats. (additional donations are welcome!) Sign up during fellowship time after church, or call J'Anna Chilcoat at 527-2664.

Middle School Lock-In: All middle school youth and their friends are invited to attend an all night event at Maple Leaf on Nov. 17-18. Starts at 7 PM and ends after breakfast Saturday morning. Come for games, movies, food and fun! ...and a little sleep.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

High School Gathering - Updated sign-up date

Since no one told me that they planned to go to this retreat, we're going for the late registration. This means I need to know who is going by October 13th and it will now cost $65.
