Sunday, January 08, 2006

Parent/Youth Meeting Feb 5 @ 8:30 am

It's time to come up with Youth events & activities for 2006. In
order to make more events & trips happen we'll be changing the system
for planing & executing events. But first the details.

Sunday February 5th @ 8:30 am since we'll be trying to multitask with
stuffing Valentines to our college students.

So in order to make this meeting short & effective as possible both
youth & parents have some homework for the meeting. Brainstorm of
list of activities you would like to see happen. Then after your are
done creating your list, think about if you would be willing to help
plan, advertise, call, & run the activity.

And that brings us to the major change for the planning & execution
of events. Since no one as enough time to plan, advertise, &
everything for events, I'm blatantly stealing an idea from another
youth group in the synod. Basically the idea is that an event will
not go forward until 1 youth & 1 adult (other than myself or Carol)
take on the responsibility to be in charge of the event. They can
still ask for some help from others (including myself and Carol), but
the follow-through (calling others to make sure they have completed
their tasks, etc) is up to the adult/youth pair.

Currently there are also some events that the Family Ministry have
coming up that could possibly have youth support if anyone steps up
to do the management.

If you have any questions feel free to talk to me on Sunday or e-mail


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